BUD, NOT BUDDY Hosts Schoolchildren

Today marked the first of three 10:00am matinee performance of BUD, NOT BUDDY that Emerson Stage will host for schoolchildren. Two hundred students, approximately 9-11 years old, and their teachers filed off a group of school buses around 9:30a and made their way to the Tufte Performance and Production Center. The Tufte is home to the Semel Theater, where BUD, NOT BUDDY is performing, the Greene Theater, the Emerson Stage office, and other faculty/staff offices, classrooms, and studios.

The students marched up the stairs and into the Semel. The jazz band in the show began to play and the environment of the play began to take shape. After approximately 100 minutes of laughter, surprises, and heartfelt moments, the play came to a close and the students began asking questions of the Emerson students who performed, designed, and helped create the production. There were many great questions about all aspects of the theater: onstage and off.

Perhaps we will see one of the students in the audience today at Emerson in 8 or 10 years. Today’s performance could be the start of something magical…

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