Hopeful Playwrights Submit to NEWFEST

There was a wonderful moment in the Emerson Stage office this morning, one I look forward to repeating all week long. A student entered the office with a bundle of neat papers, binder-clipped together in a series of packets. The student was a playwright and the bundle of papers were copies of an original script.

While that is wonderful in and of itself, it was the response the submitting playwright received from the other students in the office: applause and cheers.

How encouraging!

Current Emerson students have until this Friday, November 5 at 5:00p (not a minute later) to submit up to two original scripts for the Rod Parker Playwriting Award and NEWFEST. The winner(s) will be produced in March 2011 as part of the Emerson Stage season and other submissions will be selected for readings.

NEWFEST is an exciting opportunity not only for playwrights but also designers, actors, stage management, etc. who have the unique privilege of collaborating together on a completely new production.

Four more days to submit… Happy writing!

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