State of the Season – Oct 29

By Tyler York

Zoom! The season has begun. We already have one show under our belt, LIGHT UP THE SKY, and have two more coming in the first two weeks of November: THE ACTOR and THE ACTOR’S NIGHTMARE, a double-bill of one acts, and BUD, NOT BUDDY, our annual Theatre for Young Audiences show.

Both shows have been active in adding content to the show blogs, which you can read by clicking the links above. It’s been great reading and learning about the plays, their context, and their meaning through the posts by our impressive team of dramaturgs. I highly recommend you check it out.

Let me return to LIGHT UP THE SKY for a moment as congratulations are in order for the cast and crew who tirelessly worked to put on a fantastic production. Audiences were impressed.  There is no doubt. Congrats!

THE ACTOR and THE ACTOR’S NIGHTMARE are heading into tech tonight and will begin layering in the design elements throughout the weekend to build the final performance you can see starting Thursday, November 4. Side note – The Greene Theater only has 108 seats, so you might want to get your tickets now. I’m just sayin’…

Christina Manzo, the dramaturg for THE ACTOR has been interviewing cast and crew members with the new Emerson Stage Flip video to capture their stories about what made them want to be an actor, designer, director, etc. Very cool, right?! Now, it’s up to me to get them onto the web. Look for them soon. Some will certainly be featured on this blog, on Facebook, and in tweets too.

BUD, NOT BUDDY had an audio recording and a photo shoot last night. The audio recording took place in the WERS studios on campus. The jazz ensemble featured in the show, along with a few extra talented musicians, recorded a song to be used in the production. The photo shoot was for a prop photograph. It involved a horse saddle. Curious? Come see the show starting November 11th!

There is more video work being done for BUD, NOT BUDDY too. Two great Theatre Education students have used the Flip video to record pieces from rehearsal and a fantastic tour of the Scene Shop with Tyler Kinney, the show’s scenic designer. Be on the lookout for those videos soon.

Could there possibly be more? Yes, but we’ll talk about that next time!


Tyler York is the Assistant to the General Manager of Emerson Stage and an alum of Emerson’s BFA Stage/Production Management program.

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