Two Ships Launched

In my mind, I liken the eight full productions of our season to eight ships tincorr.JPGhat set sail, have great adventures and then arrive back in port to share their bounty with our audiences. In this, the second week of classes, we have launched two such ships.

Incorruptible, by Michael Hollinger and directed by Benny Sato Ambush (right), started rehearsal on the first day of classes. This dark comedy about the dark ages will go up (arrive) at the end of October (22-25), during Parents Weekend.

Six Characters in Search of an Author, directed by Courtney O’Connor, had its first rehearsal last night. Our production of Luigi Pirandello’s play will use the Robert Brustein translation. Here’s a photo from the reading:

While this is an impressive sized cast (17 actors, seated in the circle with the director, stage managers, dramaturgs and assistant directors in the first row seats), as impressive is the production team behind the scenes:


One of the messages of this blog is how many people it takes to get these ships back into port. The shows websites will list the names. This blog will give you some insight as to the roles they all play.

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