New Center for the Theater Commons Arrives

The online theater journal, HowlRound, has dedicated this week to a discussion of the establishment of The Center for the Theater Commons (The Commons) at Emerson College. HowlRound and The Commons was initially developed through The American Voices New Play Institute at Arena Stage in Washington DC. With its move to Emerson, a close collaboration between Emerson’s Office of the Arts and the Department of Performing Arts is set to begin.

With the process just taking shape, HowlRound’s Emerson week is diving into the motivations, aspirations, and challenges ahead through a series of blog and journal posts from the likes of Rob Orchard, Executive Director of ArtsEmerson, Melia Bensussen, Emerson’s Performing Arts Chair, and David Dower and Polly K. Carl, founder and Journal editor respectively at HowlRound.

Read posts like “The Center for the Theater Commons: Why Emerson? Why Now?” by Rob, “The Dream of a Center for the Theater Commons at Emerson College,” by David and Polly, and Melia’s “The Commons and Common Ground at Emerson.”

Today at 4:00 pm, David and Polly will be at a Forum for the Emerson community in the Semel Theater to discuss The Commons and answer questions about the project, which will be fully launched at Emerson in July.

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