Stardate 11.18.10
Hellooooooooooo! I am sure you’ve all seen Bud Not Buddy by now, or if you haven’t you will be seeing it this weekend!! (Picture Richelle waggling a finger at you.)
Now who wants to see pictures of Nine in process? I do, I do! Here’s one.

When we make garments to fit on the actor we start with a mock up. I’ve mentioned it before. In the case of dance costumes, we can’t use muslin because that doesn’t stretch. So for this project we used “beautiful and high quality stretch fabrics.” (Thank you for the lovely choice of words, industrious Brian Choinski.) Here’s a little evidence of the genius that is dancewear fabric. Don’t worry home audience, these suckers are going to be mini skirts!

*sidenote: The black fabric in the photo has uplifting words written upon it.
Here’s a mockup made from the standard muslin. The real fabric is glorious!

If you’ll excuse me, I have to run. These lovely piles are sitting on my table and I have to get my minions and make some costumes!!

Hugs and kisses to everyone. Did someone say chocolate?