A Dramaturg’s Note: BUD, NOT BUDDY


My name is Janine Merolla and I am a second-year graduate student at Emerson. I am currently the dramaturg for Emerson Stage’s production of Bud, Not Buddy, scheduled to go up in November! I’ve just begun the process but my job basically entails providing resources and insight into the world of the play. If any of the cast or crew has questions about the time period, employment, transportation, anything that has to do with the world of the characters, it is my job to research and find the answers! I have a blog that serves as the central space for everyone to seek out the answers I find. I also provide a connection between Emerson and our general audience, pursuing ways in which the public will be interested in our work! In this particular play, that means discovering ways to connect to our youth. I am currently in the process of creating a lobby display for our production that invites the young audience to enter the world of Bud, Not Buddy in an interactive and informative (and fun!) way! It is an awesome experience to be able to communicate and create alongside such talented people in this production! Come check us out!

And visit our blog here!

Bud, Not Buddy runs in the Semel Theater from November 11-21. Find ticket information here.

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