Stardate 3.3.11 Chops Sneak Peek!
Hello my little pink petunias!
Can you believe it’s March? Next week is spring break and also daylight savings time begins on the 13th. I had to bid adieu to my Stagecraft class and will be getting a brand new group of students after break.
Here’s the class at their final runway presentation.

Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for. I snuck into the fitting room, under the cover of darkness and snapped these shots of the CHOPS sketches, with my top secret, bow-tie spy-camera.
Designs by Juliana Gregori

As you can see, this show has a Victorian/Steampunk feel to it. The actresses are really excited and so are we.
Must dash, there are cogs to order and plaid to match.
Hugs to everyone!