Student POV: Cait Powers on NINE

By Cait Powers

We started rehearsals for our fall musical NINE this week. This is my third year on the stage management team for the fall musical. Previously I worked on LITTLE WOMEN and ILLYRIA but NINE is shaping up to be very unique! We have a guest director, the talented Bill Fennelly working with our fabulous team of student designers to create a high fashion, super stylized production of NINE.

This week in rehearsals we have been working mostly on music. With a cast of 27 the sound is incredible! A huge part of that sound, you, as the audience will never even see! Meet our off stage ensemble!!! Sophie, Yurie, Sara, Anna, Abby, Lily, Melody, Teal, Kelsey, Lanea, Elise & Chelsea will never been seen in our production, however you will hear their voices during the majority of the musical numbers. They are playing an integral part in our production, whether we see them or not, in such a musically dependant show. They have spent the majority of the last few evenings with our mastermind musical director Jon Goldberg in the Paramount Studios singing their hearts out! If you happen to drop by the studios, make sure you listen for our lalala’s of the Overture, with all these women it is hard to miss!

You can also follow the hashtag for our show #ES9 on twitter to get to know more about our rehearsal process.


Cait Powers is a senior BFA Stage/Production Management major at Emerson and is the Stage Manager for NINE.

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