X Dance Wrap from Marlena Yannetti, Artist Director

By Marlena Yannetti

I feel that this year’s X-Dance production definitely met my high expectations. I try, as Artistic Director, to guide and not lead….a very interesting balancing act. I want the choreographers to have as much autonomy as possible to enable them to truly “own” their choreographic vision.  I attended rehearsal during the process and made suggestions that I hoped would clarify and strengthen their work.  Each time the choreographer told me that my guidance was invaluable and for that I am tremendously appreciative.  All the Choreographers must complete Dance Composition I and in that way, I feel I am able to guide them by making references to our shared experiences in the class.  In addition,  I was very impressed with the Stage Management, the Designers and and the Technical Team.  They worked professionally and collaboratively.  They definitely contributed to the great success of the concert.  Each dancer took his/her choreographers’ work and brought to it a life and vision of their own.  What is most interesting to me is how the pieces change and grow from the first proposal to performance.  Each prospective choreographer submits a proposal to me and as Artistic Director, I choose the five proposals that I find most interesting. I also take into consideration the work that I have observed in Dance Composition classes.  It’s a truly gratifying experience to see these proposals come to life and to bring to Emerson students the opportunity to present such wonderful work!

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