Middletown Gazette: local mystery solved!

This morning, we received another delivery from the Middletown Gazette! Read all about the local mystery, recently solved.

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Missing Library Book…Returned!

There’s been something causing quite a stir at the Middletown Public Library this week. One of the most treasured books of the entire collection, Middletown: A Collective History had gone missing! The report came in on Tuesday evening when our local Librarian was resolving the nonfiction treasuries and noticed that something was amiss.

“Well, when I realized that there was a large gap in the Dewey Decimal numbers, I was quite puzzled. But when I checked the cart, I found that Middletown’s beloved history book was gone!”

Shocked and terrified of an alleged booknapper, she immediately called upon local Middletown law enforcement to recover the missing item.

“Happens all the time in Middletown,” said a Cop who appeared on the scene. “People think they can just go around staring at the stars, planting trees, stealing library books…”

Middletown residents were just as disturbed as the Librarian. Town newcomer Mrs. Mary Swanson was looking to borrow the book, but was saddened to find that it was gone. “I was really looking forward to know a bit more about Middletown. We just moved here, my husband and I.. we’re trying to start a family, and I want our baby to know all about the place he lives.” Mr. John Dodge, Mrs. Swanson’s neighbor, looked over at nothing in particular while she gave the impassioned speech.

A local Tour Guide quipped on the missing book “I don’t know what we’ll do without it! That’s basically the manual for everyone who gives walking tours here in town. It’s like someone tried to destroy Middletown’s history. How else will everyone know all about the Monument in the middle of the town square? I mean, other than the fact that the plaque on it is in English… so it can be read forever… But you know what I mean.”

The book was miraculously found recovered less than three hours after it was scheduled to return to the library, with the town Mechanic as the prime suspect in the case.

“I wasn’t surprised when I found this one lying out on a bench with the book. He’ll pay his dues to the town for this, no doubt.” The Cop who found the local man said as he put him in handcuffs. “We’re taking him down to the station for questioning. Stealing a book… I should have expected this.”

Muffled cries from the Mechanic could be heard as he was directed into the police vehicle. No word on if these matched the strange sounds residents have been hearing outside their homes in the past few weeks.

“Well, I’m just overjoyed to have it back. It’s like everything is right in the world. Middletown is a great place to live, and this book will let us remember so we will never forget!” The Librarian said as she sniffed the pages of the now returned item. “See, this is why overdue library books are never a good idea!”

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