Stardate 3/17/11 Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Hello  My Little Shamrocks,

I hope you are well on this green day.     I took a few snapshots, with my super secret bowtie camera.

Some shots of the Chops fittings.  Now remember these are in process, and will be even more snazzy on stage.  I know you already got your tickets, but you should get more.  This show is going to be so fabulous you’ll need to see it twice. It will make you laugh, it will make you cry and most importantly it will make you want to start wearing  corsets, top hats and purple plaid.

That's one rocking hat!
Julianna and Deb pinning trim on
Monica getting plaid-ed up.
Don't mess with this Commissioner
Rosie is so shy.

So you can see we’ve been up to our eyeballs in lace, plaid and gold trim.     Be careful, if you walk into the shop we might try to sew some trim onto you!

Now who wants a sneak peek of Man of La Mancha?     Ok, stop raising your hands and yelling, I’ll give you a little preview.

Arthur Oliver's sketch + the amazing talents of Laurie Bramhall + this pile of fabrics = the most amazing Don Quixote costume you have ever seen.

That’s all for today my little shamrocks.  Be nice to everyone even if they try to make you eat Corned Beef and Cabbage.



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